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Bernie Sanders Challenges Ariad Pharma's Price Hikes
Bernie Sanders Challenges Ariad Pharma's Price Hikes
Senator Bernie Sanders has firmly established his role as a gadfly for the biopharma industry.Now, he's taking on Ariad Pharmaceuticals aria over the exorbitant price hike for a leukemia drug.Sanders and Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, who is the ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and has made pharma price hikes one of his central issues, sent a letter to Ariad on Thursday requesting more information about its price hike for Iclusig, which is used to treat the rare blood cancer chronic myeloid leukemia.
let alone salon
Bernie Sanders is on a mission to make Ariad the new Mylan
Bernie Sanders is on a mission to make Ariad the new MylanSen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) joined Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) in demanding that Araid Pharmaceuticals justify their recent price increases on leukemia medication.Iclusig, the drug in question, has had its cost raised four times in 2016 alone.Its annual cost is now almost $200,000 annually, leadings Sanders and Cummings to write "these outrageous sales tactics indicate that Ariad is more concerned with its profit than with its patients." The two lawmakers plan on investigating whether Ariad tweaks pill dosages and quantities in order to charge patients and insurers more money even while providing less medication.
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Ariad Pharmaceuticals shares fall after Bernie Sanders questions price hike on leukaemia drugs
Ariad Pharmaceuticals shares fall after Bernie Sanders questions price hike on leukaemia drugsA US pharmaceutical company has seen its share price dip after former presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders questioned its price hike on leukaemia drugs.Sanders and Maryland US representative Elijah Cummings wrote a letter to Ariad Pharmaceuticals questioning its "staggering" price increase on Iclusig, which is used to treat chronic myeloid leukaemia.The price of the drug has been raised four times, with the latest hike bringing the cost of treatment to more than $16,561 per month, or almost $199,000 per year.
as well bloomberg
Bernie Sanders Follows 'Greed' Tweet on Ariad With Letter
Bernie Sanders Follows 'Greed' Tweet on Ariad With Letter
First came the tweet denouncing corporate "greed," then came the congressional letter seeking information about recent price hikes.Ariad Pharmaceuticals Inc. is the latest drugmaker to come under U.S. lawmakers' scrutiny.Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, following up from a tweet from his account last week, wrote to Ariad Chief Executive Officer Paris Panayiotopoulos on Thursday, asking for more information about the pricing of its blood cancer drug, Iclusig.