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Philippines: Mayor shot dead in prison cell gun fight
Philippines: Mayor shot dead in prison cell gun fight
A mayor imprisoned over drugs charges has been shot dead in his cell following a shoot-out with police in the Philippines.Rolando Espinosa apparently opened fire on officers as they raided his cell in a firearms and illegal drugs search.The former mayor of coastal town Albuera is the second local government executive to be killed by police in President Rodrigo Duterte's crackdown on drugs.
besides asiancorrespondent
Philippines: Mayor Espinosa Sr shot dead in jail cell after crossfire with officers
Philippines: Mayor Espinosa Sr shot dead in jail cell after crossfire with officers
The Albuera mayor was shot dead by police in his jail cell.Screengrab via Youtube.189 Social BuzzA FILIPINO town mayor who was detained has been killed in his jail cell, say Philippine police, during a purported gunbattle with officers.
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Mayor Rolando Espinosa shot dead in prison cell firefight
Mayor Rolando Espinosa shot dead in prison cell firefightDisgraced mayor Rolando Espinosa who was jailed on drug offences was shot dead in his prison cell after a reported gun battle with Philippines police.The former mayor of Albuera in Leyte and a fellow inmate Raul Yap are said to have opened fire as security officials searched for guns and drugs during a raid on Saturday (5 November)."He fired on the raiding team.