Five students form Smash the Stigma to fight substance abuse according to : thebrownandwhite

"The biggest issue with substance abuse is that no one talks about it or wants to bring it up," Pastorini said. Batts spoke about substance abuse in the Lehigh Valley area and how stigma can inhibit people's ability to acknowledge the problem. To gather more data about how the university community understands substance abuse, the group created surveys they distributed throughout campus. According to data from the U.S. Department of Justice, there were 151 deaths from Marijuana overdoses in the Lehigh Valley in 2016. The class, part of the Global Citizenship interdisciplinary program, required students to give a speech addressing a change they wanted to see in the Lehigh Valley.

Five students form Smash the Stigma to fight substance abuse
The challenges of providing substance abuse treatment were the topic of a daylong summit in Vermont. Phil Scott, along with the Vermont state colleges, put together the Summit on Vermont's Substance Use Disorder Workforce. Melinda Lussier, who is in recovery from alcohol and heroin addiction, is now a recovery coach herself. "It affects our families, it affects our business, it affects the economy, it just affects our way of life," Scott said. Scott said the summit is crucial because the Marijuana crisis affects everyone in the state.

Fox announces initiative aimed at reducing substance abuse in Mo -

Montana Attorney General Tim Fox announced on Wednesday an initiative aimed at cutting down on substance abuse in the state. Montana Attorney General Tim Fox announced a new initiative aimed at cutting down on substance abuse in the state. Fox also noted that while law enforcement will be one method of addressing substance abuse, it won't be the only approach. Over the summer, Fox will partner with the Montana Healthcare Foundation to host six listening sessions across the state to hear from people affected by substance abuse. Fox says the initiative will be paid for in part by the Department of Justice budget, as well as $3 million in grants from the Montana Healthcare Foundation.

collected by :Lucy William

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