Walk draws attention to drug intemperance

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After son's dying, couple totes mission to stop 'smirch' of drug intemperance

This time, they're trying to stop the smirch surrounding drug intemperance. Across the state, there were seven,168 drug overdose dyinges in which time. "We are trying to change the paradigm around drug intemperance," Susan Salomone said. "He was a sobright child, however he wasn't sooutgoing, socially," Steve Salomone said of Justin. "We wanted to get the word out...so we can help others," Steve Salomone said.

After son's death, couple carries mission to stop 'stigma' of drug addiction

Decision-making predicts aftertime drug intemperance in recreational users

referring to Activity in decision-making brain zones of people who Utilize recreational stimulants predicts who going to discontinue Utilize & who going to develop a drug Utilize Complication, according to a Fresh research led by Martin Paulus, Ph.D., of Laureate Institute of Brain Research, Tulsa, Oklahoma. generality Former researches of intemperance focus on chronic users, making it difficult to tease out the the reason the Complication from the influences of long-term drug Utilize. Blair & colleagues used brain imaging to measure activity of various brain zones participate in decision making in 144 young adults. Although all entrants in the research were experimenting by stimulants at the time, some showed a tendency for making riskier choices. Weaker brain activity in zones associated by decision making too predicted greater marijuana Utilize in the aftertime.

collected by :Lucy William


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