An intemperance investigator shares six strategies to address the Opium epidemic
My study team & I have recruited study entrants from contingency rooms, methadone programs, jails, prisons, alternative to incarceration projects, & HIV virus & primary care dispensaries . We have examined barriers to accessing care for drug intemperance & HIV virus, & some of the lessons we have learned apply to the broader inhabitance. She announced facing smirch from health care providers because of her intemperance, & she lacked access to counseling for depression. lower smirch of health care providers toward drug usersWhile health care providers understand intemperance is a illness, study shows they commonly view intemperance as a moral failure. They are a great reason individuals don't seek, receive or full intemperance curing or access harm reduction services like syringe access programs.
previous Tarrant province Judge opens up about his Opium intemperance
as informed in previous Tarrant province Judge opens up about his Opium addictionA previous judge from North Texas who battled an alcohol & Opium intemperance When serving on the state of Texas' judiciary. Our Brenda Matute shares his journey into healing.collected by :Lucy William