Fresh report shows dramatic down in average of teen smoking
Recent years have seen a dramatic down in the number of Irish teens smoking, according to a Fresh research. A report in medicinal journal BMJ unlock states which smoking in the 15-16 age group has reliefed from 41% in 1995 to 13% in 2015. In 1995 smoking prevalence in girls was 45% & was 37% for boys - whereas with 2015, there was a smaller proportion of girls smoking (twelve.eight%) than boys ( Perceived family fortune or family structure like single parenthood wasn't found to be significant. lock to 6000 of our citizens die annually from tobacco-linked illness – we have to still to focus on reducing this dreadful statistic"- Digital desk
There's been a huge down in young teens smoking in Ireland
As it stated in Those whose parents don't know their whereabouts were about 3 times further likely to smoke than those who did. Initially females students were further likely to smoke than males. Young males who were truant in school were found to be further likely to smoke too, When peer smoking had the strongest influence on young people taking up the habit. If they had a few friends who smoked, they were 4 times likely to do it themselves. If generality/all of their friends did, females were 27 times further likely When it was 14 times for males.collected by :Lucy William