Driver in Virginia receives $hundred ticket for smoking in car by child inside
- Virginia coast Police have cited a man for smoking inside a vehicle by a minor present. The ticket was clearly issued on Monday at around eight |30 a.m., according to a tweet from police. In 2016, Virginia passed a law which made it illegal for adults to smoke in cars while a child under eight years old is inside, regardless of whether the vehicle is in motion or stopped. The sansiction for this violation is a $hundred fine.
coast driver ticketed $hundred for smoking in car by child inside
as mentioned in linked Coverage Fresh Virginia laws go into influence July 1VIRGINIA coast, Va. (WAVY) - Virginia coast Police are cracking drop on drivers breaking a relatively Fresh law. The traffic division tweeted a caution this 7 days which read: "prevent your Kids & save $hundred in your sine! #NoSmoking #WeAreWatching"They're talking about a law which went into influence 2 years ago which bans smoking whenever a child under 18 is in the car. The law went into influence July one, 2016. Virginia coast police wrote 2 tickets in the premier 5 months.collected by :Lucy William