Marijuana addiction and its side effects

how Marijuana affects humans

Marijuana is one of the most dangerous drugs in the whole world, if you got addicted to it. Moreover, it is acquired from the cannabis plant that is typically dried out, ground up and eventually be ready to be smoked. However, it is legal in some states in some countries and illegal in others as well as it can be also used as a medical component in order to relieve pain.

Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana is one of the most difficult drugs to quit. Therefore, it is not just because it is more addictive than other drugs, but because addicts are more reluctant to let go of it. Furthermore, They also see it as the ultimate vice and cannot stop getting it on a regular basis.

Therefore, if you want to recover from addiction, you must stop immediately using marijuana. 
However, if you continue to use marijuana, it means that you don't want to change your life, and you don't want to learn new ways to relax, escape and reward yourself, which means that nothing will change and you will eventually have a miserable life.

Marijuana addiction side effects
side effects of abusing the substance

Marijuana is a psychotropic substance that alters consciousness like any other addictive drug. Moreover, it contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the chemical substance that causes this drug to work and have immediate effect. However, the impact of cannabis on everyone may vary, depending on how it is consumed. For instance, smoking cannabis is more dangerous than oral cannabis. That is ultimately because due to their high content of tetrahydrocannabinol, its effects may be immediate and last for several hours.

Therefore, the effects might include: 

Increased appetite
Reduced anxiety
Feelings of happiness
Mild hallucinations

Therefore, if you want to live a healthy life, you should immediately stop abusing this kind of substance.


  1. سخان كهرباء زانوسي

    سخانات زانوسي بإمكانياتها العالية التي تعتمد على التكنولوجيا الحديثة لتوفير درجة عالية من الأمان لحمايتك أنت وأسرتك كما تتميز سخانات زانوسي بوجود حماية إلكترونية ضد السخونة الزائدة
    لذلك سنعرض لكم مميزات ومواصفات سخان كهرباء زانوسي سعة 40 لتر كما أننا سنخبركم بالأسعار المتاحة في الأسواق

  2. سخانات فريش

    قدم جميع فروع مركز صيانة سخانات فريش في أغلب محافظات الجمهورية مثل القاهرة و الإسكندرية و طنطا و غيرها من المحافظات التي سيتم عرضها في هذه المقالة ، بالأضافة إلى عنوانيها و أرقام هواتفها و البريد الإليكتروني و مواعيد العمل المتاحة لكل مركز صيانة .

  3. التسويق الإلكتروني

    فى هذا المقال سوف يتم شرح مقدمة عن التسويق الإلكتروني بما يشمله من تعريف و بعض من المميزات و العيوب الخاص به، و ذلك نظراً لأنه أصبح جزء أساسي من حياتنا بالعصر الحالى.


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