Hashish Addiction Risks and Side Effects

all you need to know about Hashish and its side effects

Hashish is mainly one of the cannabis plant like Marijuana as it has all the effects of any addictive drug. Moreover, being an addict to Hashish will undoubtedly put your life in great danger. Furthermore, the active ingredient in hashish is similar to this in Marijuana. However, in Hashish it is much higher than in Marijuana.

Hashish Addiction risks 

Hashish and some related products are from the same cannabis plant and some Psychiatric Associations might use them in some cases. However, there are some huge risks that might lead the condition to being severe. 

Those risks include: 
  • Research has indicated that when children and adolescents chronically use cannabis products they inevitably suffer damage to areas within the white matter of the brain, which can negatively affect learning and memory.
  • Individuals who use cannabis products have high rates of alcohol use disorders (greater than 50% concordance) and tobacco use disorders (greater than 50%). The American Psychiatric Association reports that rates of other substance use disorders are also high among individuals who chronically use cannabis products.
  • Individuals who smoke cannabis products often will have the same types of respiratory problems associated with smoking tobacco; however, it is not been fully determined if there is an increased risk of lung cancer associated with smoking cannabis products such as hashish.
  • Pregnant women using cannabis products increase the risk of developmental issues in their children.
  • Long-term use of cannabis products has been associated with a number of mental health issues including the development of psychosis in a small number of individuals – especially after these individuals had been using cannabis products for some time as adolescents and young adults.
  • According to the American Psychiatric Association, about 1/3 of adolescents with cannabis use disorders have issues with anxiety, depression or PTSD, and 60% have issues with ADHD or conduct disorders.

Side Effects
side effects of being under this drug

There are some side effects of consuming hashish that are really dangerous. Moreover, some doctors do not recommend using it medically to treat some serious mental issues.

Those include: 
  1. Extreme sleepiness.
  2. Increased appetite and weight gain.
  3. The increased potential to be involved in accidents due to the loss of coordination and poor decision-making.
  4. Depression.
  5. Anxiety, panic attacks, confusion and a sense of a loss of control.
  6. An inability to make sound decisions.
  7. Sensory distortions.
  8. Nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps.
  9. Significant loss of motor coordination.
  10. Changes in respiration.
  11. Increased heartbeat and blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular issues (e.g., heart attack).


  1. برنامج حسابات لينكيت يعمل على إدارة كافة الجوانب المالية للمؤسسة بالكامل، تكامل جميع الفروع توفير الوقت في إعداد الفواتير
    (مثل فواتير شراء خامات من مورد معين)، إصدار التقارير (مثل تقارير الأرباح والخسائر) والقياس الدقيق لتكلفة المنتجات وأكثر.


  2. برنامج حسابات
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