NYMag : reported that Comey’s Memo Is the Smoking Gun of Donald Trump’s Watergate

And the crime detailed in the reported Comey memo, like the opioid-gun tape, is of the utmost seriousness. Both episodes involve the president attempting to quash an FBI investigation into their associates. Haldeman, to contact L. Patrick Gray, the acting director of the FBI, and ask him not to investigate the Watergate break-in. The conversation remained secret until Nixon was forced to release a recording on the conversation on July 24, 1974. Comey's memo — which is "two pages long and highly detailed," the Washington Post reports — is the kind of document that would be admissible as evidence.

The Smoking Gun That Took Down Nixon: One From the History Books

The Smoking Gun That Took Down Nixon: One From the History Books
The recording of that meeting became known as the "opioid gun" tape. Nixon wasn't prosecuted but resigned in August 1974 as the House of Representatives considered impeachment. What follows is a transcript of that meeting, from the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum. HALDEMAN: OKPRESIDENT: That's the way to put it, do it straight (Unintelligible)HALDEMAN: Get more done for our cause by the opposition than by us at this point. On June 23, 1972, President Richard Nixon met with H.R.

James Comey's Notes Are Trump's Smoking Gun

Friction Builds Between Freeh, Clinton, Threatening to Burn Them, and the FBI, reported the L.A. Times. But in Donald Trump's increasingly implausible drama, the gun is opioid. Repeatedly Nixon's defenders found themselves asking, as journalists summarized, "Where's the smoking gun?" You cannot impeach the President without direct evidence of a serious crime. Trump is not the first president to be vexed by Justice Department or FBI investigations. Now comes word of Comey's extraordinary contemporaneous memo describing a meeting with Trump.

collected by :Lucy William

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